The Empowering ADHD Workbook for Women
Are you overwhelmed by a million racing thoughts and a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions? Then keep reading.Do you constantly feel on the edge of burning out? Like you’re always either stuck in hyperfocus or hyper-fatigue?
Do you feel held back at work or in relationships? Do you live in constant fear of rejection, criticism, or judgment?
Do you feel like putting your house in order is as big of a task as climbing Mount Everest, even though the clutter around you makes your mind feel cluttered too?
Have you always felt like you didn’t quite fit in?
I know. I’ve been there.
Imagine having a switch to silence the constant chatter in your brain. Imagine feeling accepted and understood for who you truly are.
Did you know that only 3.2% of women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ADHD compared to 5.4% of men? That’s 69% more diagnoses for men when the prevalence is about the same!
We’ve been unseen for far too long. But the tide is turning, and adult women are now the fastest-growing group diagnosed with ADHD.
Inside this complete guide, specifically tailored for women, you’ll find a treasure trove of practical tools, hacks, and proven strategies to help you manage your ADHD symptoms.
But you don’t just want to survive with ADHD; you want to thrive, right?
With the guidance of this book, you’ll learn to make peace with ADHD and embrace neurodiversity to unlock your full potential and live with clarity and confidence.
Here are just a few of the transformative tools and strategies you will discover in this
15 proven strategies to slow down your racing thoughtsFacts and fiction when it comes to ADHD and womenThe mindset shift you need to embrace neurodiversityThe 7-step guide to regulating emotionsHow to craft your own sensory diet to address sensory problemsHow to manage your hormones and their impact on ADHDThe three simple steps you need to tackle the floordrobe (you know, that pile of clothes on the floor). And many more hacks to create a calming homeHow to make peace with your bank account and curb emotional spendingThe 3-step formula you need to set healthy boundariesHow to navigate your relationships with friends, family, and professionals. We’ll even talk about sex, baby!All the tools to harness the power of ADHD at work and tackle impostor syndromeAnd much more!From the American Psychiatry Association to the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the U.K., leading psychiatric associations emphasize that lifestyle changes can improve ADHD symptoms, with or without medication.
If you’re ready to make ADHD work for you rather than against you, then “Empowered Women with ADHD” is the book you need, even if you have the attention span of a goldfish and feel like you’re drowning in a sea of information.
It is a practical guide written by a woman with ADHD for busy women with ADHD. You can start implementing strategies right now and at your own pace.
-Excerpt taken from Goodreads […]