The Discord of Gods (A Chorus of Dragons #5)

Jenn Lyons

Adult Fantasy

The Discord of Gods marks the epic conclusion to Jenn Lyons’s Chorus of Dragon series, closing out the saga that began with The Ruin of Kings, for fans of Brandon Sanderson and Patrick Rothfuss.

The end times have come.

Relos Var’s final plans to enslave the universe are on the cusp of fruition. He believes there’s only one being in existence that might be able to stop him: the demon Xaltorath.

As these two masterminds circle each other, neither is paying attention to the third player on the board, Kihrin. Unfortunately, keeping himself classified in the “pawn” category means Kihrin must pretend to be everything the prophecies threatened he’d become: the destroyer of all, the sun eater, a mindless, remorseless plague upon the land. It also means finding an excuse to not destroy the people he loves (or any of the remaining Immortals) without arousing suspicion.

Kihrin’s goals are complicated by the fact that not all of his “act” is one. His intentions may be sincere, but he’s still being forced to grapple with the aftereffects of the corrupted magic ritual that twisted both him and the dragons. Worse, he’s now tied to a body that is the literal avatar of a star – a form that is becoming increasingly, catastrophically unstable. All of which means he’s running out of time.

After all, some stars fade – but others explode.

-Excerpt taken from Goodreads.

Check Goodreads to see the book’s ratings.

My Opinion

3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5) This marks the end of the five book series! Relos Var and Xaltorath are trying to destroy the world with no care for life. Our main three are trying to save it but the possibility that they won’t be killed in the process is getting smaller and smaller.

Lyons really does an incredible job with the characters in this series. The main three (plus a few others) kept me coming back, curious to see what would happen next. The story was fast-paced with building and strategic plotting in the beginning, then an all-encompassing climax brought about the end.

I truly thought I understood the majority of the characters and their lives, but with each character brought in for the finale, I learned I didn’t quite retain what I needed to. With so much going on, I often felt confused. Throughout the series the extensive family trees just get more complicated. That came into play a lot with this installment and I was lost a few times. This started my bewilderment which I believe only increased as the story commenced.

It was so fast-paced, that the characters barely had enough time to act, let alone ponder and debate feelings. I believe this left me conflicted because I wasn’t caring what happened. My emotions were not warring and the tension and adrenaline wasn’t felt. 

I loved the ending! It wasn’t perfect, which made it perfect. Not every single thing was wrapped up but the plans to do so are in place. There were a few items that made me wonder if she is considering a spin-off series but I’d actually love to see what else Lyons can create before coming back to this world again. As her debut series, I was astonished many times and hope she can keep up the incredible writing, just maybe not such a complex world next time!

Audio review: Having multiple narrators added so much to the book! Each voice was paired perfectly with the character. Each was fabulous with adding excitement to each scene. It honestly added so much to the story and I’m happy I was able to experience it. My only two issues were one female voice by a male narrator grated on me a bit, and the other was that two names sounded too similar when said aloud (Xaltorath and Volkoroff). The latter had me rewinding a few times to fully understand what was happening. I highly recommend the audio, it just added to the experience of the series.

General content summary: F words: 20+, many are taken captive (including children), a man’s hand is cut off and sent to another, resurrection, fighting dragons with weapons, battle wounds and blood, battle deaths, 

Thank you to Tor for the gifted copy!

The book releases April 26, 2022.

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